Mike Vail

Michael Vail is a 29 year old professional session drummer, as well as full time caveman-hitting skins-guy for The Hailing Tides. Born in the small rural town of Hollis, Maine, Mike, in his early childhood, was exposed to a large spectrum of music genres thanks to his mother’s constant listening of the likes of Now! CD’s, movie soundtracks, African percussion, and of course the one and only Billy Joel. After receiving his first drum kit at the age of 13, he would go on to be inspired by the playings of legends such as Thomas Pridgen, Todd Sucherman, Dennis Chambers, and eventually fall in the love with the style of Gospel chops through the iconic teachings of Aaron Spears and the dvd “Beyond the Chops: Groove, Musicality, and Technique”.

Having been credited on 20+ pieces of music since 2015, with that number steadily growing, Michael has gone on to build a well respected reputation as the go-to drummer in ‘Vacation Land’. Working with artists such as pop-punkers ‘If You Insist’, math rock’s ‘Waypoints’, and the Emo Rock staple ‘Fake Feelings’, before rejoining longtime high school friends in the eventual reformation of ‘The Hailing Tides’. With his forward drum playing, intricate gospel inspired chops, mixed into a rock and metal drum sound, Mike is determined to continue spreading his drum personality across the music scene, and to quote him, “There’s no better place to be doing that right now then with the incredible musicians and friends in The Hailing Tides”.